Thursday, August 27, 2009

Days 3 & 4 on Zija

In four days on the wonder product Zija I will have to say that I have had no side effects, nor have I expected any.  I obviously will take some time for this processed Moringa plant to be in my system long enough to fulfill the claims of its manufacturer. I do have to say that I do seem to feel somewhat better but cannot put my finger on it just yet.

In my first blog I stated that I am somewhat of a skeptic, but I don't want anyone to think that I am skeptical about all things.  It is just that in my life I have discovered that the search for a "magic pill", "miracle drink, "golden bullett" or single solution for any problem, illness, challenge, social or economic condition is a fruitless and time waisting endeavour.  (But most of us human beings are generally lazy, wanting to do as little as possible, and hey! why work for something if you can buy it? Right?)

As far as Zija is concerned it is supposed to supply a very large part of what everyone needs in the way of vitamins and minerals, and even help to boost your immune system, reduce your appetite.....

I am also on Weight Watchers (for the second time) and have dropped from 209 down to 194 in about 8 weeks. My goal is 180 and with the changes in eating habbits and the kinds of foods I am eating (and not eating) I will reach my goal.  The first time I did it 7 years ago I started at 238 and went all the way down to 170 over the course of a year.  This was very good for my health and my state of mind. But weight is not my only challenge.
  1. I have to lower my bad cholosterol and raise my good cholosterol. It is not real bad (high normal) but it needs to be better. (It has been touted that Zija can and has helped individuals with this.)
  2. I have arthritis in my hands, back, hips, feet, and neck. (I take glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplements daily that do help but once again Zija is also supposed to help with this medical condition.)
  3. I have an eye condition known as "macular degeneration" (early stage). It is the kind of eye disease that you really can do nothing about except to take a collection of vitamin supplements referred to as "AREDS" that has been proven to at least slow down the process. 
  4. I am out of shape, i.e. I need to get more exercise, especially cardio vascular exercise.  (I don't think Zija can help me with this unless it makes me feel good enough to want to move more, but in my own defense I am walking about 2 to 3 miles a day and am starting a serious walking program of at least 30 minutes daily to really get my heart rate up.)
I am eating a lot more vegetables, fruit, whole grains, more fish and chicken and less red meat. Obviouslly this is what EVERYONE should be doing particularly considering the sorry state of our produced and prepackaged foods that are loaded with sodium, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners in addtion to other chemicals. 

I will get off my soap box now but perhaps you see just where I am going with this test.  I am in the midst of a full lifestyle change and for the sake of my life I must make it work.

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